International Association Open Digital Space for the Mediterranean e-OMED Created in 2011 and governed by the French Law of 1901.

Building a digital space of solidarity between the members of the association.
- Promote the use of ICT for training and research purposes in higher education institutions.
- Foster cooperative relations between the different cultures and institutions, through the use of the online learning tools, and promote the implementations of training cycles shared between its members from different countries.
- Facilitate the exchange of digital resources between the shores of the Mediterranean and beyond by promoting the use of platforms, adapting and translating the content.
- Reinforce the visibility of culture and enhance Mediterranean cultural heritage.
- The General Assembly is the sovereign body of the association. It meets every three years.
- The second decision-maker structure of the association is the Board of Directors (BoD). Its members are elected for a period of three years at the General Assembly. The BoD meets on average twice a year.
- The third structure resulting from the BoD is the Bureau. It manages the day-to-day activities of the association.
Taking into account diversity of countries, cultures and themes, e-OMED relies on Thematic Communities (TC) which are flexible structures.
TC bring together actors from institutions members at e-OMED having the same field of interest : discipline, pedagogy, tools, etc.
These TC have the following missions:
- Take stock of the resources, experiences, and usage of the digital technology in their fields.
- Set up multi-partner and multi-country projects and seek the necessary funds.
- Coordinate these projects, ensure the dissemination of the results and promote the implementation of their outputs.
Access to a wide network of international partners for the use of ICT.
- Pool, share and enhance the value of digital resources.
- Increase the visibility of members' work.
- Participate in the calls for projects launched by the association.
- Benefit from the expertise of e-OMED and of its members in the setting up and management of international projects.
- Membership of e-OMED is open to legal entities that wish to participate in the achievement of the association’s objectives and that have been approved for this purpose.
- Any institution or structure wishing to join must send an e-mail to one of the members of the association’s board and will receive by return an application form.
- All memberships are pronounced by the BoD.
- The upholding of membership requires the payment of an annual membership fee.
Ms. Molka BEL CADHI(
Mr. François HENN (
General Delegate
Ms. Amal Abdallah(
Deputy Vice-Chairman
Mr. Jilani LAMLOUMI(
Deputy Vice-Chairwoman
Ms. Catherine BARREAU(
Deputy Vice-Chairman
Mr. Imad HODALI(
Association Internationale e-OMED - BP 50
Université de Montpellier
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet
34000 Montpellier