This new community is the merging of several former communities: » Digital pedagogy for Engineering « , « Distant practical courses », « Digital resources for education in technology » and « Pedagogical innovation »
In this context, the Pedagogic uses of ITC Thematic Community aims to mutualize the digital resources dedicated to teaching and more particularly to practical courses, to promote access for the greatest number of people to digital resources and technologies of the latest generation, to facilitate the development of lifelong learning and to encourage equal and transparent access to higher education.
- Philippe Pernelle – Université de Lyon :
- Adel Ben Taziri – Université Virtuelle de Tunis :
On line documents
- Regional workshop on « les ressources éducatives libres pour une éducation de qualité », 17-19 April 2019 – Hammamet, Tunisia (link : Atelier REL-Hammamet-17-19avril2019.pdf +
- Plateform for technology AIP-PRIMéca (link :
- Practical courses bank (link
- Workshop on « La Mutualisation et l’Usage des Ressources numériques méditerranéennes » , 1-2 february 2012 – Tunis, Tunisia (link : Workshop Mutualisation et usage des ressources numériques-Tunis-1-2fev2012.pdf +
- Minutes of the Digital pedagogy for Engineering Thematic group, 26th May 2011 (link : Compte rendu CT Pédagogie numérique-Rabat 26mai2011.pdf ) + doc#5
- Minutes of the Distant practical courses Thematic group (link : Compte rendu CT Tele-TP-Rabat-27mai2011.pdf
) + doc#5 - Workshop on “Les ressources IUT en ligne », 10 April 2012, Sousse, Tunisia, (link : Ateliers sur les ressources d’IUT en ligne-Tunis-Sousse-Sfax-2-10avril2012 doc#6 )